Friday, March 2, 2012

Test Your Knowledge Friday: Gravity

That post title is a lie actually. No test today. But we do have another activity for you to try. Give it a shot.

The Super Glue Chair:
  • Sit in a straight-back armless chair, keeping your back against the back of the chair and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Fold your arms across your chest.
  • Keeping your feet flat and your back straight, try to stand up.
  • Are you glued to your chair?

Why This Works: In this sitting position, the center of gravity is at the base of your spine. By trying to stand up with your back straight, you prevent the center of gravity from moving to a position above your feet, which would be necessary to stand up. Therefore, you remain glued to your chair!

Here are the Answers to last week's quiz-ola:
1. the sun
2. evaporation
3. the clouds
4. precipitation
5. the ocean

Have a great weeeekend.

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